『黄金Mホスト糞闘記3〜服従と被虐の日々‥』真性Sさつきお嬢様再び!! 編
SampleM Movie公開!!
今後こちらのX(YapoosMarket@Movie)にてSampleMovie 等 公開していきます!
(品番 DVD版ZRND-17 Blu-ray版ZRNB-17 収録Time80分 ¥6,600税込)
You make the best content in the world! I am a big fan! I think your girls are real Princesses or Goddesses, they are perfect. I dream to become a slave for your girls. I wish I could be the permanent toilet for all of them for days and days. Fixed under the floor or inside the wall as a bowl toilet where I can’t move and I receive only their waste as my only food. PLEASE MAKE VIDEOS LIKE THIS! I dream to come to Japan and then become a real property of one of your girls in her private life, or many of them. Serving them 24/7. Is there a chance?